Концерт Kyiv Jazz Quintet на даху у Львові

Kyiv Jazz Quintet Concert on the Roof in Lviv

Love, love, love. People talk about it, write about it, depict it on canvas, and immortalize it in stone. Did we forget anything? Ah, yes, the art of music! Songs and lyrical melodies that shout about happy love or heal broken hearts. What can we say, feelings rule the world. Admit it, have you caught this romantic mood? If so, be sure to visit the Kyiv Jazz Quintet concert on the roof in Lviv! Yes, yes, on the roof, just like in American romantic comedies. While you’re thinking about how many tickets to buy, we’ll tell you more about the performance.

Briefly about the Kyiv Jazz Quintet concert on the roof in Lviv

First, it’s worth saying a few words about those who will create an unforgettable atmosphere at the concert. Kyiv Jazz Quintet specializes in performing compositions by world-famous musicians, namely: Frank Sinatra, Tony Bennett, Nat King Cole, Louis Armstrong, and many others.

The quintet is led by singer Pavlo Pihura, whose voice reminds of the classic jazz era. He is joined by experienced musicians: Dmytro Bobin Alexandrov on saxophone, Rodion Ivanov on keyboards, Serhiy Klyuenko on double bass, and Oleksandr Lebedenko on drums. Together they create an interesting and high-quality sound.

And what can you expect at the concert in Lviv? “Fly Me to the Moon”, “All of Me”, “L.O.V.E.”, “The Shadow of Your Smile” and many other compositions will definitely make the evening unforgettable.

Psst, by the way, if you have a boyfriend or girlfriend, the Kyiv Jazz Quintet concert will be an ideal option for a date (no need to thank us for the idea!)

When: August 18, 2024, 19:30

Where: FESTrepublic (24 Staroznessenska St.)

Tickets: can be purchased at this link

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