Day of Ukrainian cinema in Lviv

All residents and guests of the city are invited to join the program of the conceptual film festival in Lviv (Ukrainian Film Day), which this year is created by the Hotkevich Palace from the Lviv Film Center.

What is Ukrainian cinema? To whom do we owe the Ukrainian film tradition? What movie images will be popular even after 100, 200, 300 years? How did the film industry of Ukraine change during the war? How to preserve film heritage? Does documentary have a touch of poetry? Do we remember the “cinematic” Crimea? We decided to find answers to these and many other important questions of the Ukrainian film industry on September 10-12 – on the occasion of the Day of Ukrainian Cinema.

Dates of the festival:

· September 10, 12 – Lviv Film Center. Free entrance.

· September 11 – Hnat Hotkevich Palace. Entry is free with prior registration:

The Hotkevich Palace will have the following program of the film festival:

  • 12:00 – Dovzhenko Center: to the archive? (conversation-discussion)
  • 15:00 – War documentary projects: video archives and oral history (practice Docudays, Post Bellum and Territory of Terror)
  • 18:00 – Screening of the film “Home”. Meeting with director Nariman Aliyev

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