Performance “Executed Renaissance. Voices Across Time” in Lviv

Performance “Executed Renaissance. Voices Across Time” in Lviv

Do you know much about the Executed Renaissance? During the Soviet era, this dark page of Ukrainian history was carefully hidden by representatives of the totalitarian regime. That is why it is extremely important to talk about the crimes of the Soviet authorities now. However, it needs to be done creatively in order to engage more people. For example, in Lviv, there will be a literary and musical performance “Executed Renaissance. Voices Across Time”, dedicated to the period of repressions.

A performative performance by Rofl Monkey Lalala will take place in Lviv

A performative performance by Rofl Monkey Lalala will take place in Lviv

Theater art can be different. This especially applies to productions created by modern theater companies. If you are interested in seeing a performative performance with your own eyes and understanding what it is, then do not miss the opportunity to visit Rofl Monkey Lalala’s performance called “The whole world jumps inside me”.

Lecture in Lviv: adaptation of veterans and inclusion in modern business conditions

Lecture in Lviv: adaptation of veterans and inclusion in modern business conditions

In the conditions of war, everyone is doing their best to bring the victory of Ukraine closer: volunteering, educating the younger generation, strengthening diplomatic ties with allied countries, and, most importantly, fighting on the front line. Thousands of men and women stood up for the defense of Ukraine, and every day they risk their lives for the well-being of Ukrainians. That is why these people need special support when they return to civilian life. A lecture on the adaptation of veterans and inclusion in modern business conditions will be held in Lviv.

Lecture about Pavlo Tychyna from the MUR project in Lviv

Lecture about Pavlo Tychyna from the MUR project in Lviv

The figure of the poet Pavlo Tychyna remains mysterious to this day. Some consider the collection “Solar Clarinets” to be a true work of poetic art, while others are convinced that he is a traitor. To understand this issue, you will be helped by a lecture about Pavlo Tychyna from the MUR project entitled “Even Before it used to Be”.