Велике кавування у Львові

Big Coffee Evening in Lviv: delicious coffee and charity auction

Do you love coffee and doing good deeds? Well then, don’t walk but run to get tickets for the “Big Coffee Evening” in Lviv with interesting guests!

What is this “Big Coffee Evening” all about?

Let’s start by explaining what this event is. Is it a dinner? A party? Whaaaat is it? The “Big Coffee Evening” is an event where all attendees will have the chance to drink delicious coffee and chat with guests, namely: actor, blogger, and author of the “Cinephiles Squad” project Vitaliy Hordiienko, singer and songwriter Max Ptashnyk, as well as Oleksandr Kuznetsov – blogger and chief creative officer of Monobank. As you can see, quite an interesting company! The Coffee Evening will feature warm conversations, funny jokes, and fragrant coffee (so don’t forget to bring a mug with you 🙂 ).

The most important part of the event will be a charity auction, the proceeds of which will go towards helping the aerial reconnaissance of the Ukrainian Volunteer Army (what could be more important?). Of course, this kind of event cannot be done without a host, so this role will be performed by Vadym Kovalyk.

When: January 25, 2024 at 7 pm
Where: !FESTrepublic shelter
Tickets: Available for purchase here 🙂

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