вистава "Засвітнє танго"

The “Otherworldly Tango” Play Based on Yuri Vynnychuk’s Novel in Lviv

Are there any fans of Yuri Vynnychuk’s work among you? You have a great opportunity to see a play based on the novel “Tango of Death” called “Otherworldly Tango”. Read on to learn about the play and why you should attend!

Briefly about the play “Otherworldly Tango”

“A genre mystical detective story set against the backdrop of (inter)war Lviv. A large multinational city living its own life: here people are born, die, love, quarrel, and reconcile. Among the other residents are four friends: a Ukrainian, a Pole, a German, and a Jew. For Orest Barbaryka, death is a very exciting topic. After all, during World War I, the generation of his parents gave their lives. And now the young man is trying to understand – for what exactly. The year 1939 throws new challenges at our young heroes. An important choice lies ahead for the next generation, whose lives have irrevocably changed.”

Memories of the past and present merge in a kaleidoscope of surreal images, where the funeral home becomes a stage for absurdist humor and philosophical reflections. The violin melody of the “Tango” resonates in every corner of our consciousness, provoking deep contemplation.

This play is a true symbiosis of dramatic art and puppetry, where live actors interact with animated characters. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the whirlwind of passion, secrets, and the search for the meaning of life in the atmosphere of ancient Lviv. Age restriction: 16+.

When: June 26, 2024, 6:00 PM

Where: Lviv Puppet Theater (Danylo Halytskyi Square)

Tickets: can be purchased at this link

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