У Львові відбудеться перформативна вистава від Rofl Monkey Lalala

A performative performance by Rofl Monkey Lalala will take place in Lviv

Theater art can be different. This especially applies to productions created by modern theater companies. If you are interested in seeing a performative performance with your own eyes and understanding what it is, then do not miss the opportunity to visit performance called “The whole world jumps inside me” by Rofl Monkey Lalala.

Who are Rofl Monkey Lalala?

Rofl Monkey Lalala is a Kyiv avant-garde theater founded by a married couple from Sumy – Polina Korobeynyk and Oleksandr Bulyuk. They specialize in performative performances. This Friday, Lviv residents and guests of the city will have the opportunity to visit Rofl Monkey Lalala’s production called “The whole world jumps inside me”.

This is a performative physical-musical performance in which two actresses and a musician present real texts of people about their emotions and bodily sensations.

The performance consists of a collage of various theatrical, bodily, dialogue, plastic, and circus plots and stories. Each story touches on themes such as carnality, envy, sincerity, irritation, shame, insecurity, and the need for help. Viewers will see how people emotionally experience certain moments and whether this corresponds to reality.

“Some stories will be light and absurd, others painful and serious, silly or funny. If one doesn’t catch on, the other will”.

the members of the group

“A whole world jumps inside me” is a continuation of the project “Parts of one world, parts of one body”, in the framework of which Rofl Monkey Lalala collects the body diaries of people from February 24, 2022. The play is constantly updated with new stories and performances.

This performance promises to be a truly unique experience that will touch the emotions of every viewer.

When: May 31, 2024, 7:00 p.m

Where: Lower hall in the Puppet Theater (1 Danyla Halytskyi Square)

Tickets: can be purchased at this link

Read also: Olena Vasylevich’s exhibition “The City of Rings” in Lviv

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