лекція “П’ять перлин княжого Галича” у Львові

The lecture “Five Pearls of Prince Halych” will be held in Lviv

If you are interested in history and admire the city of Halych (or have never even heard of it and want to learn what makes it special), be sure to attend the lecture “Five Pearls of Princely Halych.” Here you will gain many insights 🙂

What kind of city is Halych?

This point is specifically for those who are hearing the name Halych for the first time. So, Halych is a city in Ivano-Frankivsk region with a rich history and culture. Founded in the 9th century, it became one of the most important centers of Ukrainian statehood. Halych was the capital of the Principality of Halych and later the Halych-Volhynian Principality. In the 13th century, when Kyiv lost its strength, Halych became the new center of Ukrainian state formation. The city was a significant trade, craft, and cultural center, and it also gave its name to the entire region of Ukraine.

Notably, titles of princes, kings, patriarchs, and metropolitans originated from here, while Halych architects constructed white-stone churches that are unparalleled in the world.

Briefly about the lecture “Five Pearls of Princely Halych”

First of all, let’s talk about the lecturers at this event. So, Yuri Lukomskyi, a candidate of architecture and senior research fellow at the Department of Archaeology of the Ivan Krypiakevych Institute of Ukrainian Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, and Andrii Husak, a historian and research fellow at the National Historical and Cultural Reserve “Ancient Halych.”

According to the lecturers, during the lecture, attendees will learn about the history of the capital city on the Dniester, unique landmarks of all-Ukrainian and worldwide significance, the results of recent archaeological research, and the connection of Halych with other European cities.

A pleasant bonus for all attendees will be delicious coffee provided by “Old Lion Coffee.”

When: December 12, 2023, at 17:00

Where: Lviv Palace of Arts

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